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Thank you for visiting!

Please visit our online store  for a large selection of Farmgirl Crafted Soap

Check out the Local Vendor Shows page if you are local to South Central PA.


Hi! My name is Jamie I have operated Silver Valley Farms along with my husband, James, since 2013.  I became curious about the process of making soap and, after research, I discovered that the soap I had been buying at the store was not really soap at all, it was detergent!? Before I ever poured my first soap loaf it had become a passion to learn everything I could to create soap with natural ingredients.
Cold process soap making satisfies many of my interests- it is both art and science. It is both creative and practical. I can both keep it and share it.
Plus, it is great for our skin and it is environmentally friendly!



I hope that you love my soaps as much as I love sharing them with you!



The soap is handmade in small batches using the old fashioned cold processed method. Every recipe is formulated using skin nourishing oils, creamy butters and luxurious additives, each bringing it's own unique attributes!

All bars are cured for a minimum of 6-8 weeks before shipping. A fully cured soap will last longer, produce more lather and just be an overall better bar of soap.


  Try one today, feel the difference and find your new favorite with

Farmgirl Soapery


Thanks for your interest!


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